List Building & Lead Generation

Get cheaper, better, and more leads within a few days.

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If you run Google ads, you need this software!

Set things up to run completely maintenance free, so you can have the time to run your business.


You can look at this as an “add-on” to your current advertising that is completely maintenance free without changing ANYTHING you are using now. Let me help you up a customized marketing plan, explained below, and I will do all the hard work to help you get more customers/clients.

Breaking It Down Using An Example.

chat bot diagram

Let’s say you are advertising with google. 

This photo is what MOST Google ad funnels look like. You pay good money to get someone to your site, but if they don’t fill out a contact us form or call you… you get nothing from that.

This is where I can help! Bringing GOOD prospects through an automated conversation and turning them into a lead.

Keep reading, and you will see how simple, yet effective this process is!

Here's the plan that works!

Look, you do not need to change your website or to stop doing what’s working for you now.

Just let me take what you’re currently doing and ADD TO IT!

You’ll be getting cheaper, better and more leads within a few days. I mean good, qualified leads that want your product or service.

The specialty here is FaceBook Messenger marketing specifically for businesses getting traffic from Google. You can spend less on Google (while still getting the same results) and take that saved money and invest it in Facebook.

chat bot diagram 2


Now you get to spend the same amount on ads… but you get 3-5x the return.

If that sounds good to you, go ahead schedule a call with me. You’ll need about 15 minutes to cover the exact approach and describe what all is involved.

and fill out the form, and I’ll be in touch.

I look forward to speaking with you and helping you get more leads!

Book A Strategy Session
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